Michael J. Styzen, 2000 GCAGS/GCSSEPM Convention
to Houston and the 50th annual GCAGS and 47th Annual GCS-SEPM convention.
As usual, the local committees for the convention have organized an excellent
technical program supported by exhibits and social activities to provide
an enjoyable meeting. The GCSSEPM committee includes Mike Nault as GCSSEPM
Vice Chairman Sheila Barnette, Program Chairman, Norm Rosen, Editor, and
Rashel Rosen, Judging and Awards Chairman. These folks, along with their
GCAGS counterparts have donated their time and effort to assure that the
program presented at this meeting is up to the traditional high standards.
On behalf of the members of the Section I would like to use this opportunity
to express my gratitude to these folks for their hard work.
Membership in our section remains strong, but is down somewhat from historical highs and now stands at approximately 320. I think this reflects the new leaner geologic staffs at the major oil companies, particularly among our traditional mainstay the biostratigraphers. Our focus has always been broadly based in stratigraphic geology, particularly in the themes of our Research Conferences and in our involvement in the Annual GCAGS/GCSSEPM meeting. Our treasurer reports that membership renewals have been arriving steadily. I think that this reflects a general strength in the Section itself. I hope that the wide appeal of the Conferences we have planned for the next few years together with our stronger bonds with GCAGS help us get our membership back to where it was in the boom years.
The GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference series gets better every year. This year’s 20th annual meeting, Deep-Water Reservoirs of the World, promises to be the best yet. Paul Weimer and his committee have put together a fine program featuring approximately 60 presentations. The theme promises an early sell out, so if you have not reserved a place, do so soon, or you might miss out! The Conference will be December 3-6 at the Adam’s Mark Hotel in Houston.
As Section President, it has been my honor to work with a group of dedicated volunteers who have developed and carried out the GCSSEPM program. Section officers are: Ron Waszczak, President Elect; Tony D’Agostino, Vice President; Ilene Corbo, Secretary; Rashel Rosen, Treasurer; and Rick Major, Past President. Foundation Trustees are Mike Nault, Nancy Engelhardt-Moore, Ed Picou, and John Armentrout. Foundation Executive Director is Norm Rosen. This team, along with supporting members of the section, continues the tradition of technically excellent programs and publications that assures the continued vigor of GCSSEPM. As I transfer leadership of the Section to Ron Waszczak I look forward to continued participation in section programs. These programs promise to continue the leading role that GCSSEPM plays in supporting the exploration and exploitation of resources in the Gulf Coast region and around the world. Thanks to all of you.