Ramón H. Treviño, 2012 Distinguished Service Award
H. Treviño is a recipient of the Gulf Coast Section SEPM Distinguished Service Award for 2012.
Ramón has been a Project Manager in the Bureau of Economic Geology Gulf Coast Carbon Center (GCCC) for the DOE-sponsored SECARB Phases & III field experiments since October 2007. Since early 2010, he has also been Project Manager and Co-Principal Investigator of a Carbon Geosequestration study of the Texas offshore Miocene section, a 4-year study co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Texas General Land Office.
Ramón has a B.Sc. in Geology from Texas A&I University (1983), M.S. degree in Geology from the University of Texas at Arlington (1988), and an M.B.A. from the University of Oklahoma (1994).
Ramón’s technical and scientific contributions to the GCCC derive from his experience in the petroleum industry. He worked for Mobil Exploration and Producing U.S., Inc., Oklahoma City Exploration office, from 1988 to 1992. From 1995 to 1999, he worked on sequence stratigraphic reservoir characterization (Argentina, Venezuela) at the Bureau of Economic Geology. From 2000 to 2007, he conducted sequence-stratigraphic field-specific and regional studies (e.g., Oligocene Frio Formation of the Texas coast; Masastrictian Olmos Formation of southwest Texas) under the auspices of the STARR (State of Texas Advanced Resource Recovery) program. He has published more than 60 technical papers, abstracts, and technical reports.
Ramón is a past Treasurer of GCAGS (2002) and of GCSSEPM (2005-2008) and was an Austin Geological Society Delegate to the AAPG House of Delegates (2002-2007).
Tricia Santogrossi